Roger "Waldo" Curry

M.Sc. Student, Research Assistant
Personal Web Page:

I am currently pursuing my M.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of Calgary under the supervision of Dr. Brian Unger. I am interested in simulation and emulation, specifically for the purpose of modelling telecommunication networks and air traffic control senarios.

In November 2000 I graduated with a B.Sc. Honours in Computer Science and a minor in Pure Mathematics. After that I began working as a research assistant with the TeleSim group. In September 2002, I elected to continue my research with TeleSim as a student rather than as an research employee.

As a research assistant with the TeleSim group I was involved with extending the capabilities and improving the performance of the IP-TN (Internet Protocol - Traffic Network) simulator and IP-TNE emulator. To date I have been responsible for revamping the memory management scheme used in IP-TN, developing an event-driven statistics library for SKI (simulation kernel interface), and implementing DiffServ modeling support in IP-TN.

Previous research experience includes an undergraduate honours project focused on quantum game theory; I have also worked with Dr. Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz as a research assistant investigating genetic algorithms and their application to (L-System) plant modeling.

Specific topics I am considering for my Masters thesis include partitioning for parallel network emulation, application of parallel simulation techniques in sequential simulation kernels, and simulation of the Alberta SuperNet.

In my spare time I enjoy playing guitar and scrambling. I started playing guitar in fall of 1998. My musical interests are quite varried but I especially like Irish-American Folk music and Bluegrass. I try to spend as much time in the Canadian Rockies as possible, you might even find me out there in the middle of winter!