Class TimeSeriesTally


public class TimeSeriesTally
extends WeightedTally

The TimeSeriesTally class is for calculating weighted time series statistics for a bunch of points.
Unfortunately, SimKit does not (yet) give the programmer access to either the current event or the current simulation time. This means that there is no method of providing a time weighted tally where the time weights are automatically calculated.

See Also:
Tally, WeightedTally

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class Utility.WeightedTally
Fields inherited from class Utility.Tally
fCount, fDataPoints, fMax, fMin, fName, fSum, fSumSq, seperator, STORE_POINTS, SUMMARY_ONLY, WITH_HEADER, WO_HEADER
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void reset()
          Remove all data points from the Tally.
 void update(double x)
          Add a data point to the tally.
 void update(double x, double currTime)
          Updates the statistics with the data item x with the weight calculated as the difference between the given time and the last given time point.
Methods inherited from class Utility.WeightedTally
average, outputPoints, outputSummary, stdDev, sumWeights, updateBatch, variance
Methods inherited from class Utility.Tally
count, isStoringPoints, max, min, sum, sumSq
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TimeSeriesTally()
Method Detail


public void reset()
Description copied from class: Tally
Remove all data points from the Tally.

reset in class WeightedTally


public void update(double x)
Add a data point to the tally. Assume that if no time is provided, that the new time is 1 unit greater than the previous time.

update in class WeightedTally
x - The value to add to the tally.


public void update(double x,
                   double currTime)
Updates the statistics with the data item x with the weight calculated as the difference between the given time and the last given time point. If there is no last given point, then 0.0 is used. This function is useful when doing a time weighted series. The point is just the simulation time at which the update is done.

update in class WeightedTally
x - The value to add to statistics
currTime - The current simulation time or some other value that can be interpreted as time (from an increasing sequence ...)